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Platinum Page


This page is where we recognise those pupils who have gone above and beyond in their work or behaviour ! We want everyone to know how amazing they have been.

Week Beginning Monday 8th July

Year One

Jessica Derrington - Super effort in homework

Year Four

Phoebe - Excellent attitude (always with her hand up)

Ayat - Amazing, willing helper

Angel - Much better at settling quickly and sensibly to tasks.

Week Beginning Monday 1st July


Leia - For working very hard on some fabulous homework

Alexander - Amazing hard work and determination with writing

Class One

Amber and Leone - Being super 'head boy' and 'head girl' during the Victorian day.

Class Three

Mieszko - Outstanding homework of a Roman shield

Class Four

Louie - Brilliant symmetry work

Roman - Great attitude during assessment week

Jasmine - Trying really hard all week long

Class Six

Amirah - Fantastic homework based on artwork of Churchill and Hitler

Louie - Polite manners


Week Beginning 24th June


Leia - Taking her learning further by having the idea of making an Earth after learning about it.

Anya - Always working incredibly hard.

Class One

Amber - Showing resilience in tasks she finds tricky

Ella - Making connections in her learning to help her remember

Class Two

Odin and Myla - Determination and effort with reading

Class Three

Miesko - Being extremely polite to all teachers

Class Four

Atilla - Listening to feedback

Delilah - Super effort

Aleeza - Great attitude

Week Beginning 17th June

Class One

Aleksander - Trying extremely hard in his English writing

Leone - Taking on feedback to improve his English - finger spaces

Bea - Showing motivation and independence in her writing.

Class Three

Joshua - Completing his division challenge 

Evelyn - Amazing story writing at home

Class Four

Ella - Superb attitude to her learning

Tayllana - Always making sure her work is neat and the very best it can be

Week beginning Monday 20th May


Logan - Amazing effort with his blending

Layton - For being enthusiastic and engaged in his maths

Isla - Increadible phonics progress

Lewis - Being encouraging to another child

Harper - Amazing phonics progress

Rupert - Brilliant attitude to learning and listening

Leia - Brilliant progress and attitude to learning

Class One

Alexsander - Brilliant listening during carpet time

Munenyasha - Lovely sentence in English

Class Three

Erin and Lily - Outstanding homework

Class Four

Teddy - leading super group work

Oliver - Always being ready to learn

Class Five

Max - Incredible descriptive writing

Jace - Solving an almost impossible SPAG challenge

Alice, Imogen, Enya - For creative Ancient Greek pottery

Larsson - For cleverly designed Ancient Greek game

Class Six

Thw whole class - Amazing effort in their SAT's last week.

Week Beginning Monday 6th May


Saliha - Brilliant progress in Phonics

Class One

Zofia - Sharing out the last piece of fruit to make sure it was fair

Leone - Listening and trying to improve on his writing target

Class Three

Eman - Doing extra work to improve her English

Class Four

Rhys - Sensible behaviour even when super tired

Matthew - Being kind and helpful to everyone

Class Five

Georgie and Larsson - For creative Ancient Greek work

Andrew, Jaylan, Sophie and Sophie - Superb sports leadership

Class Six

Hugo, Mia, Harrison and Miley - Amazing attitude towards school last week and superb Maths work.

Week Beginning Monday 29th April


Betsy and Toby - Remembering the British Values

Year One

Ella - Producing some lovely sentences in English with amazing objectives

Emilia - Trying her best in all her learning

George - Sharing some super knowledge about bugs with his friends

Ozzie - Always sharing and playing nicely with all his friends

Year Two

Emilia - Fab work on reading fluency with her sister

Year Three

Sam - An excellent opiecef homework

Year Four

Esme - Amazing support and encouragement listening to her sister and helping to model fluency

Scarlet - Being a super school council member 

Week Beginning Monday 22nd April


Abdul - Amazing progress in word time

Year One

Zoe - Always sitting smartly on the carpet and listening carefully

Isla - Beautiful presentation - lovely drawing and letter shapes

Class Two

Ophelia, Darcy, Millie, Rhia, Robbie and Hannah - Going above and beyond with homework

Class Three

Amelia - Working very hard on her personal target

Joshua - Persevering and drawing all the flags of the world

Class Four

Ajay - Making sensible choices at playtime

Rhys - Brilliant Maths work

Hamnah - Great attitude to work

Class Five

Angel - Independent art skills

Paulus, Esther, Lydia and Sophie - Producing an outstanding market garden leaflet.

Week Beginning Monday 16th April


Nova - Super doubling to 10 number work

Layton - For being super brave when he had an injury

Mason - For being fantastic and learning so many number names

Class One

Ayra - Always listening carefully and joining in with the learning

Amber - Always trying her best and having a go at every activity

Class Four

Jade - Incredible times tables

Billie - Leigh - Great work all week 

Esme - Great work all week

Vihana - The most Dojos

Olivier B - Great focus when reading

Fletcher - Positive, sensible attitude

Class Five

Paulas - Excellent homework

Hannah and Sophie - Consistent Dojo winners

Class Six

Sophie and Jasmine - Amazing attitude towards their work and always wanting to answer questions in class.

Week Beginning Monday 18th March


Layton - Amazing writing and a wonderful attitude to learning

Sophie - Always listening amazingly, engaging with her learning and trying her very best.

Grace and Emi - For amazing improvement in writing and drawing, especially during independent learning.

Natalia and Ava - Choosing to write stories and enjoying writing

Class One

Oriana - Always demonstrating kindness to her friends when they feel sad

Zofia - Working really hard on her writing. Well done for using excellent Fred talk

Emilia - Trying her best and having a go at her Maths learning

Class Four

Scarlet and Tayllana - Working so hard and consistently

Class Five

Jace, Joey and Precious - Amazing engagement, enthusiasm and pitching of their chosen book in book club

Class Six

Sophie, Charlie, Jasmine, Scarlett, Freya, Hamza and Ella - Outstanding progress in reading, EPGS and Maths in their assessments.

Week Beginning Monday 11th March

Class Three

Gabriel - Outstanding expanded noun phrases on book day

Joshua - Completing the timetables challenge sheet

Class Four

Tylan and Esme - Incredible work all week resulting in the most dojo points

Class Five 

Hannah and Larsson - For outstanding quality homework 

Class Six

Hugo - Outstanding effort with his handwriting and cursive script


Week Beginning Monday 4th March

Year One

Ella - Great attitude to learning

Spencer - Working hard in his writing

Year Four

Esme - For receiving the most Dojo's

Week Beginning Monday 26th February


Amelia - Brilliant homework shared on Tapestry

Logan - Fantastic Maths homework shared on Tapestry

Class Five

Jaylan - Outstanding times table progress

Alice, Joey, Angel-Rose and Enya - For knowledgeable market garden leaflets

Class Six

Scarlett and Jessamyn - For organising Ten Boom's Wake and Shake

Zara, Leo, Freya and Piper - Outstanding improvements to their mental arithmetic.


Week beginning 19th February


Olivia - For telling Foundation all about gravity

Isla - For being a really kind friend

Class One

Grayson - Offering to share their sweets with another child

Leone and Millie - Listening to feedback. Using adverbials to make their writing exciting

Class Four

Ajay - Fantastic effort all week in his work

Class Five

Joey, Georgie, Jaylan, Sam - For outstanding achievement in times tables

Mia, Toby, Angel, Jace, Orla - For superb flashback story writing

Class Six

Miley-Rose, Niamh, Mia, Joshua, Abbie, Zara - For super descriptive setting descriptions for a Frozen Kingdom.


Week Beginning 15th January


Anya, Alex and Izzy - Brilliant independent writing and showing determination and enthusiasm

Amelia and Erin - Super homework shared on Tapestry

Natalia - Offering her fruit to someone because they didn't have any

Toby and Logan - Tidying up the whole of the space station which took a while!

Week Beginning 8th January

Class Three

Ellie - Outstanding stable scene (before Christmas)

Harry - Achieving 2 gold cards in one day

Class Four

Henry - Most Do Jos in a week

Class Five

Toby - For outstanding progress in times tables

Joey - For superb manners towards adults in school and a genuine interest in their wellbeing.

Class One

Bea - Super tidying and listening carefully on the carpet

Zimel - Working hard to form her letter correctly

Teddy - Making a super cool creation out of lego

Chloe - Trying hard in her writing. Lovely presentation

Class Five

Enya - For superb effort with her homework

Andrew - For consistent pride in presenting his work perfectly

Joshua - For fantastic communication between school and home

Class Six

Amirah - Consistently producing homework of a very high standard.


Week beginning Monday 18th December


Saliha and Abdul - Amazing behaviour at the panto and throughout the Nativity shows, even when tired

Rupert - Offering to swap seats without being asked in the dinner hall

Isla - Trying so hard in phonic lessons and improving letter formation 

Alexander - For making great progress in his phonics and always being enthusiastic to learn and being an absolutely lovely member of the class

Tyler - Some super phonics progress

Betsy - For always having a happy, smiley face

Class Five

Esther, Harry, Larsson and Max - Outstanding effort and progress in writing this term

Class Six

Scarlett, Charlie and Zara - Sometimes learning is challenging but these pupils have persevered and made excellent efforts with their learning this term.

Week beginning Monday 11th December

Class Four

Taylanna - Good Listening skills

Oliver and Ella - Great timestables

Oliver - Great job on assessment

Esme - Super effort in swimming

Scarlet - Great effort in class

Jasmine - Great effort with homework

Class Five

Jaylan - For outstanding timestable achievements

Ethan - For perseverance with multiplication and division facts

Class Six

Harrison, George and Mollie - For a tremendous effort in every assessment last week, fantastic work and attitude towards their own learning.

Ella and Freya - For dedicated planning and delivering a super wake and shake.

Week beginning Monday 4th December


Mason - Recognising his colours when using them

Ava, Rosie and Connell - Amazing progress in phonics and reading and always trying their best

Gracie and Grace - For always trying her best with a calm attitude, even if things are a bit tricky

Class One

Kaycee - Enthusiasm for learning. Creative and ready to learn.

Teddy - Working hard with his letter formation. Trying hard in his phonics

Class Three

Riley - Amazing nativity scene homework

Joshua - Getting full marks on his maths test

Class Four

Henry - Incredible thought, enthusiasm and perseverance at his embroidery bauble (from Miss Bewick)

Class Six

Mia and Hugo - For smashing their SPaG and reading tests respectively this week - AMAZING!

Week beginning Monday 27th November


Emi - For not giving up when faced with challenging activities

Cleo - For an improved 'I can do' attitude to learning

Toby - For being a kind friend and caring for everyone

Erin - For trying her very best at every challenge given to her and with a big smile

Olivia - For spotting special friends in her reading book independently

Class One

Jessica - Super attitude to learning. She shows great effort with her homework menu activities

Ivy - A lovely picture made from natural materials that she did at home from the homework menu

Class Three

Gracie - Super independent Maths work

Anashe - Excellent technical vocabulary in English

Class Six

Mia, Scarlett and Joshua - Lovely thank you letters to Rock UK.

Week beginning Monday 20th November 


Amiah - Trying really hard in her phonics

Layton - For being kind and thoughtful

Isabelle and Amelia - For amazing blending with her phonics

Lewis - For trying incredibly hard to ask for help when he needs it

Class One

Delight - Outstanding presentation in her work.

Millie - Demonstrating a love for learning and always doing her best work

Class Two

Elizabeth - Much improved effort during English lessons

Class Four

Esme - Super progress in swimming

Rhys - Trying hard with his reading

Jasmine - Fantastic artwork

Matthew - Working hard on times tables

Class Five

Andrew and Alice - For outstanding times tables knowledge

Joey and Hannah - For a fabulous Shang Dynasty Podcast

Class Six

All of Class Six - For a terrific residential last week


Week beginning Monday 6th November

Anya - For always being kind and helpful in our classroom

Oriana - Super effort in all her learning

Grayson and Chloe - Great teamwork and creative thinking during bridge building during our Diwali day

Class Three

Richard - Super improvement in swimming

Joshua - Super writing

Phoebe - Reading at home

Joshua - Maths work at home

Class Five

Paulus - For working determinedly to improve handwriting

Class Six

Sophie - For homework handed in every week of the first half or the Autumn term

Taylor, Molly, Scarlett, Hamza, Niamh, Joshua, Ella, Jessamyn - Absolutely amazing effort


Week Beginning Monday 16th October


Logan - Amazing attitude to his learning

Erin - Supporting and encouraging friends and helping them with coats

Natalia - For thinking of others and showing them love

Amelia - For being kind and considerate to everyone in Foundation

Layton - Incredible attitude to his learning and behaviour in school and at home

Class One

Advik - Outstanding attitude to learning

Joshua - Super homework - a great Geography project

Class Five

Ethan and Joey - Completing timetables challenge

Class Six

Molly  and Piper- Amazing landscape art in our tints, tones and shades unit of work.

Week Beginning Monday 9th October

Class One

Spencer - Lovely self-portrait in Art

Lily - Demonstrating resilience in Maths. Even when the maths was tricky.

Class Two

Zac - Fantastic learning from home

Class Four

Hamnah - Excellent swimming effort

Class Six

Harrison, Hamza, Taylor - Fantastic mental arithmatic scores.

Week Beginning Monday 2nd October

Class Two

Anastasia and Ophelia - Fantastic effort when continuing learning at home

Class Three

Joshua - Amazing Maths

Tylan, Vihana and Teddy - Amazing tables

Roman - Amazing Science thinking

Week Beginning Monday 25th September

Foundation Class

Olivia - For helping a friend in need

Class One

Zimel - For making everyone in our class feel welcome

Jessica - For trying her best and she will always have a go at every activity

Class Two

Nikol - Having a fantastic attitude to learning

Class Three

Leon and Joe - For outstanding Maths

Evie-Leigh - Excellent sentences in English

Joshua - Using 'magpied' words in writing

Class Five

Precious - For great grammar answers

Lydia - For outstanding presentation all the time.

Week Beginning Monday 18th September

Class Three

Franco - Picking up the pace with his work

Jasmine - Using one of our magpie words

Class Five

Alice - Using her initiative.