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Platinum Page


This page is where we recognise those pupils who have gone above and beyond in their work or behaviour ! We want everyone to know how amazing they have been.

Week beginning 14th October

Class R

Poppy-Raee & Alayna - For being absolutely incredible at tidy up time. Both girls always go above and beyond what is expected at tidy up time.

Class 2

Lily- Always trying hard with tasks even the tricky ones

Class 4

Gabriel - Super effort in History.

Class 6

Imogen - Wonderful support for our EYFS children during a House meeting


Week beginning 7th October

Class R

Nora - For giving 100% in everything she does

Olivia- A huge growth in confidence and trying her best

Class 2

Leone & Oscar - Trying hard with their letter formation and presentation

Class 3

Sofia - Extremely thoughful and helpful

Amelia - Fantastic effort with her homework

Class 5 

Billie-Leigh Exemplary behaviour within the classroom

Week beginning 30th September

Class R

Zara & Claudia - Excellent attitude towards their learning

Class 2

Chloe & Kaycee - Working hard on their presentation

Class 5 

Ella & Phoebe - Amazing dragon making for their homework

Class 6

Paulas - Great determination within his work

Angle-Rose - Good attitude towards her learning

Week beginning 23rd September

Class R

Tiago - Impeccable attitude towards his learning

Alanna - Being incredibly brave with her toothache

Class 3

Myla- Fantastic Writing

Robbie - Amazing effort and concentration in class

Class 4

Joshua B - Amazing Maths

Joshua G- Amazing Maths

Class 5

Vihana- Super dragon homework

Class 6

Alice - Amazing focus in Maths

Week beginning 16th September

Class R

Tyler- Great number knowledge

Dexter- Great attitude towards school 

Class One

Tyler- Working hard to focus in lessons

Olivia- Always working hard and helping others

Class Two

Grayson- For being polite and courteous 

Class Three

Adam & Odin - Super effort in reading at home

Class Four

Franco - Excellent attitude towards learning

Class Six

Hannah - Great effort with their homework

Joshua - Super start to Y6