A big warm welcome from the Foundation Team!
Here you will find everything you need to know about Foundation at St John the Baptist Primary School.
Spring Term
Happy New Year Foundation!
We are really pleased to welcome you back to your second term in Foundation!
This term PE will remain on Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit. PE kit is black or navy jogging bottoms/ leggings, black or navy jumper or hoodie, and a plain white t-shirt. Please wear trainers on your feet and have your hair tied up if it is long. For safety, please make sure all earrings are removed before school.
Forest school will remain on Wednesday morning. Please come to school in your wellies. Waterproofs and warm coats, with hats, scarves and gloves are very much encouraged during the winter months.
Please continue to make sure everything is labelled so all belongings are returned to the correct child. Thank you for your continued support with this.
Our topic this half-term is called 'Starry Night'.
During this topic children will learn about nocturnal animals, who works at night, bedtime routines and differences between day and night. All our learning is supported through a range of text which children begin to develop a meaningful understanding of. Our first focused text is 'Whatever Next'. Please ask your child what story we are learning about each week.
Here are some fun activity ideas you could do at home to support our topic. It would be brilliant if you could share your home learning with your teachers in Tapestry.
1. Go on a short walk somewhere familiar during the day and then go on the same walk after dark. Take a torch on your night walk so you can shine it at different features. What did you see and hear on the daytime walk? What did you see and hear on the nighttime walk? Did you see and hear the same things?
2. Talk about bedtime routines and the importance of a good night’s sleep. Draw bedtime pictures, make a list of bedtime activities or create a routine chart.
3. Lullabies are soothing, quiet songs that help us get to sleep. Find some lullabies to listen to together and choose your favourite. What lullabies did you listen to? What is your favourite lullaby?
4. Nocturnal animals are awake during the nighttime and sleep during the day. Diurnal animals are awake during the day and sleep at night. Choose a nocturnal animal and find out three facts about them.
5. Make a room dark. Shine a torch onto a wall and make shadows by putting objects in front of the torch. You could play a guess the object game or trace shadows onto paper. How did you make a shadow? What shape are the shadows? What happens to the shadow when you move an object closer and further away from the torch?
We look forward to seeing and hearing about your wonderful home learning!
Class information
Dino the dinosaur is our class take-home teddy. Please enjoy the weekend with him and support your child to record the experience in Dino’s diary. Every child will have the opportunity to take home Dino at some point during the year. Please return him back to school on Monday. You may share photographs in Dino’s book, but we would also really love to see children’s drawing. Please remember Dino’s diary will be shared with the class so do not put in photographs which you are not happy to share.
Forest school sessions take place on a Wednesday morning. On that day please send your child to school with wellingtons or old shoes. Please make sure they are labelled and in a bag.
Please provide your child with a clearly labelled water bottle on a daily basis. Please be reminded that it is water only in bottles. Children are also welcome to bring fruit for break time.
Please make sure everything is clearly labelled, especially book bags, jumpers, cardigans, and coats! This really helps when gathering belongings at the end of the day and avoids lost property. In addition, please also help your child to become independent in putting their coats on, taking them off and fastening them.