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Class 6

Thank you and Goodbye

Dear Class 6. Both myself and Mrs Lowings wanted to say a huge thank you for all your hard efforts this past year. You have been absolutely amazing and put in so much effort in every lesson and our wonderful trips. We have certainly laughed a lot and had so much fun along the way-we love you all.

We really want you all to have a very enjoyable last week at St Johns...the show, prom and leavers day on Friday 26th July. Dress to impress at the prom and enjoy your event put on by the PTFA-it looks amazing and we will definitely be there to have loads of fun, have pictures taken for memories for life and eat well!

Monday 22nd July: show at 5pm

Tuesday 23rd July: show at 5pm

Thursday 25th July: Board games/Card games morning (non-electrical games please) and film and popcorn in the afternoon. PROM 4.30-6.30pm, dress to impress!!

Friday 26th July will be Leavers Day. On this day children are welcome to bring in an old t-shirt or shirt to have signed by classmates. NO tops will be allowed to be signed until this final day. Pupils may bring in sharpie pens to sign with but please label them so they don't get lost. They will be the responsibility of the children. Normal school uniform is required for th leavers assembly (no tops to be signed and worn for this-thanks) so no PE kit needed on the last day.