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Class 6

WELCOME TO YEAR 6 2024-25!



This term, we have a jam-packed curriculum of exciting learning opportunities including:


We will be focusing on SPaG in our writing this term as we write about frozen settings , newspaper reports on the Titanic sinking and speech from those aboard the Titanic before it sank!


Our Maths is taught based on the White Rose Maths scheme and this is organised into blocks as follows: Fractions, decimals, percentages.

We will also be focusing on mental arithmetic strategies and times tables 

There will also be a daily "Flash Back 4" which is a brilliant and fast-paced 5 minute activity that keeps all of the other areas of Maths fresh in our minds.


Creation: Christians believe the universe and human life are God’s good creation. Humans are made in the image of God.


Children will have learnt in previous years about the creation story as well as the reactions that Christians have to how to behave towards the world that we live in. They will in Y6 discuss the different approaches to creation as outlined by science and the Bible, discussing whether or not these can coexist. (Agreed Syllabus))

People Skills

We will look at how we are all citizens of our country and how we, as a nation, are governed looking at Parliament, politicians etc.


Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands, which are incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly.

This half term, we’ll start by making and observing icebergs. We’ll then find out more about them using non-fiction books. We’ll learn technical vocabulary so we can write reports in the role of engineers. Using globes and maps, we’ll identify the polar regions, comparing the Arctic and Antarctic. We’ll also think about how we can protect the polar environment. Then, we’ll investigate the tragic story of the RMS Titanic, and find out about the people on board. We’ll download images of polar features and save our information in digital folders. When we’re more familiar with the polar regions, we’ll write exciting stories, poems and diary entries from the perspective of brave explorers. Researching our favourite polar animals will be fun, and we’ll create animal artwork inspired by the Inuit people. We’ll experiment with digital photography and create amazing effects using paints and dyes.

At the end of the ILP, we’ll present what we have learned and construct a large-scale model of an igloo!

Help your child prepare for their project
This half term, we’re going to learn about the coldest places on Earth. Why not watch a documentary such as the BBC Frozen Planet series together? You could also freeze pieces of fruit with fruit juice in lolly moulds, to create frozen treats with a hidden surprise. Alternatively, work together to create a snowy collage.

Art Inuit A&D project (Year 6)

This project is linked to Frozen Kingdoms. 

This project teaches children about the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions.

Environmental Artists

This project is linked to Frozen Kingdoms. 

This project teaches children about the genre of environmental art. They study how artists create artwork that addresses social and political issues related to the natural and urban environment. Children work collaboratively to create artwork with an environmental message.


Classification: This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.


Football with Mr Heaps on Fridays

Dance with Miss Jackson on Wednesdays


Learning new skills in singing a New Year song.


Blogging to complete and Networks.

HOMEWORK this term In preparation for SATs, pupils will be asked to have a go at some of the various tasks set (see homework page). Your child will be expected to have a go at, at least 1-2 pieces per week that also gets them ready and in some sort of routine for secondary school in September this year!


As well as Mr Heaps in class there will also be the wonderful Miss Jackson who knows the class extremely well. She is amazing and will always be available, along with Mr Heaps to chat with any child should they have any worries or concerns about anything. She will work every morning in Class 6. Miss Jackson will also take PPA on Wednesday afternoon for PE and music whilst Mr Heaps is planning his wonderful lessons for the next week.


The ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system will continue as usual across the school with children starting each morning and afternoon on a green card. Class Dojos can be earned by children for doing what is expected throughout the day, with Class Dojos of the Week being displayed in the class. Gold cards can be earnt by going above and beyond what is expected in work, behaviour or attitude. Dojo and Smarty Pants of the week awards will be handed out every Friday afternoon.

Platinum Cards are awarded for going way above and beyond and for really wowing! A prize can be chosen on receipt of a Platinum and a certificate and prize will be presented in Thursday’s Celebration Assembly in front of the whole school. House points are also awarded for Platinum Cards and they will be displayed on the website Platinum page.

Yellow cards serve as a warning for not behaving as expected and red cards will be given if this warning is not heeded. If your child receives a red card, you will be informed, a break time will be missed to reflect on the behaviour, the incident will be logged and house points will be deducted.