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Class 3

WELCOME Class 3!

Welcome to the start of your KS2 journey! I am so excited to be moving up with you! We have settled into our new classroom and we're getting into the daily routine. It has been lovely to welcome Mr Stanley (our new deputy head) both to our school and our class! Mr Stanley will teach every Friday and is excited about taking the children swimming, all the way up to February Half Term! We are also lucky to have a trainee teacher with us in Class 3 - Mr Campbell will be completing his SCITT at St John's this year. I am sure the children will make him feel very welcome. 

Below are some details about our curriculum for the Autumn Term - our topic is Through the Ages. As usual, the children will still need to read 4x week - I will be checking Reading Journals every Monday and continuing with Reading Club on Monday break time. Thanks for all your support with this! Mrs Haythorn


Mrs Haythorn: Monday-Thursdays

Mr Stanley: Fridays

Mr Campbell: SCITT Trainee Teacher


This term, we have a jam-packed curriculum of exciting learning opportunities including:


What do Christians learn from the Creation Story? What do people believe about life? 

What feelings do people experience in relation to birth, change, death and the natural world? What answers might be given by ourselves and by religions and beliefs to questions about... The origin and meaning of life?    Our place in society and the natural world?   The existence of God?


Through the Ages: In the Through the Ages project, your child will learn about three different periods of British prehistory: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They will discover terminology relating to time and sequence dates to make a timeline. They explore the changes to people, homes and lifestyles throughout the different periods and investigate examples of prehistoric settlements, monuments, burials and artefacts in detail. They will also study how technology improved over time, including how the discovery of different metals changed the way that people lived.


One Planet, Our World: In the One Planet, Our World project, your child will use maps to locate countries and read four-figure grid references. They will sort and classify human and physical features, and begin to use the eight points of a compass to locate geographical features on a map. Your child will study data to find out about life in three settlements. They will learn about the layers of Earth and study plate tectonics. They will name and describe the five major climate zones on Earth and begin to use longitude and latitude to locate places on a world map. Your child will locate and name countries and capital cities in Europe before studying significant human and physical features in the United Kingdom. They will learn about significant UK counties and cities and carry out fieldwork to study the effect of weather on the local environment. Your child will learn the five main types of land use and carry out an enquiry to discover more about local land use.


Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal Systems: In the Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal Systems project, your child will use the term 'nutrition', learning that it is a life process by which all living things get or make food. They will learn that humans are omnivores because of their teeth and ask scientific questions about the human diet and research to find the answers. They will learn how humans need a balanced diet containing various foods in the right proportions. They will compare the diets of different animals, including carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, revisiting learning about how animals' diets change with the seasons. They will learn the function of the human skeleton, observing and then labelling the location of its major bones. They will learn what joints are and investigate how they allow us to bend and move easily. They will learn the function of muscles and identify how they work in pairs before observing first hand the movements their muscles bring about. They will carefully examine different skeleton types and use the terms 'vertebrate', 'invertebrate', 'endoskeleton' and 'exoskeleton'. 


Prehistoric Pots:  This project teaches children about Bell Beaker pottery. It allows the children to explore different clay techniques, which they use to make and decorate a Bell Beaker-style pot.

Colour Theory: This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours, analogous colours and how artists use colour in their artwork.


Cook Well, Eat Well: This project teaches children about food groups and the Eatwell guide. They learn about methods of cooking and explore these by cooking potatoes and ratatouille. The children choose and make a taco filling according to specific design criteria.


Autumn 1

Unit: Let Your Spirit Fly

Style: R&B, Western Classical, Musicals, Motown, Soul

Autumn 2

Unit: Glockenspiel Stage 1

Style: Learning basic instrumental skills by playing tunes in varying styles


Bonjour: Greet and say goodbye to someone. Ask someone’s name and say your own. Ask how someone is and respond to the same question. Learn some basic nouns. Count numbers 1–10.

En classe: Identify classroom objects. Identify colours, and describe an object’s colour. Say your age. Recognise and repeat classroom instructions.

People Skills

Families and relationships: Children will learn how to resolve relationship problems; effective listening skills and about non-verbal communication. Looking at the impact of bullying and what action can be taken; exploring trust and who to trust and that stereotyping can exist.

Health and wellbeing: Children will learn that a healthy lifestyle includes physical activity, a balanced diet, and rest and relaxation; exploring identity through groups we belong to, and how our strengths can be used to help others; learning how to solve problems by breaking them down into achievable steps.


The ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system will continue as usual across the school with children starting each morning and afternoon on a green card. Class Dojos can be earned by children for doing what is expected throughout the day.

Platinum Cards are awarded for going way above and beyond and for really wowing! A certificate and prize will be presented in Thursday’s Celebration Assembly in front of the whole school. House points are also awarded for Platinum Cards and they will be displayed on the website Platinum page.

Yellow cards serve as a warning for not behaving as expected and red cards will be given if this warning is not heeded. If your child receives a red card, you will be informed, a break time will be missed to reflect on the behaviour, the incident will be logged and house points will be deducted.


For information on homework, please go to the Homework link at the top of the page.