Class 2
Spring - I hope you all had a lovely Christmas/ Winter break!
We are now in 2025!! We continue to have lots of exciting things to learn about this term. Please see below for our updated timetable and topics for this term. Get immersed in the homework menu (see the homework page) and enjoy learning about lots of new things. Our residential is this term, and I am extremely excited, it will be my first one! :-D (see letters page for checklist and information about the trip). I got a new suitcase for Christmas and I have my sleeping bag ready.
Class Targets for this term -
English - Practice cursive letters, ready for when we start joining our letters.
Maths - Number Bonds to 10
Our first whole school meeting: Mr Stanley introduced the school to 'St Johns Way 3,2,1 Ready
-Hands empty and still
-Sat up sensibly
-All equipment ready
-Magnet eyes on the speaker.
-Silently waiting for instructions.
Autumn - Welcome Back!
I am so excited to be teaching you for another year. I loved getting to know you all last year and I can't wait to continue to get to know you even more. This year we will be immersing ourselves in more exciting topics following the year 2 curriculum (please see knowledge organisers at the bottom of the page). My favourite thing to teach is Geography. I love learning about the world and the different countries. I find it interesting looking at atlas' and learning about different places. I can't wait to hear about your favourite topics to learn about. This year will be exciting with plenty of opportunities to be creative and an opportunity to leave home for a night to have a sleepover with all your friends on a residential trip. I will try and remember to bring Werberely to our adventure.
Last year we had some amazing adventures together, such as our Victorian Day, our Sundown Adventureland trip, our trip to learn about the nativity and making yummy owl toast and salads. This year will be full of some more amazing things.
This year staffing is as follows:
Miss Wilcox - Monday (AM), Tuesday - Friday (all day).
Miss Jackson - Monday (PM).
We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Lowings working with us on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:20am - 10:20am
This will follow the usual "Good to be Green" system which you will be used to. There will be the usual gold cards for excellent work and platinum cards for exceptional work and behaviour. The ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system is present across the school with children starting each morning on a green card. Gold cards are earned by going above and beyond what is expected in work, behaviour or attitude. If a child receives a Platinum award, they will receive a certificate during Thursday's celebration assembly. House points are awarded for Platinum Cards, and they will be displayed on the website's Platinum page. We will also continue to use Dojo points (an online reward point system). Class Dojos are little monsters that children can earn points for. Dojos can be given to children for doing what is expected throughout the day and also for doing at least four reads at home. Yellow and red cards are used as warnings and consequences for negative behaviour. If your child receives a red card, you will be informed. The red cards are an opportunity to reflect on their behaviour.
Organisers and library books will be checked/ changed on Thursday.
Children are given the chance to change their books on Monday - children will choose whether to keep their books for an extra week or change them (some books may take longer to read than others - remember shorter books can be read more than once for fluency).
Please bring books and organisers every day.
Timetable - SPRING 2
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
8:45am – 9:00am |
Register Flashback 4 (Maths) |
Register Flashback 4 (Maths) |
Register Flashback 4 (Maths) |
Register Flashback 4 (Maths) |
Register Flashback 4 (Maths) |
9:00am – 9:20am |
Collective Worship |
Collective Worship |
Collective Worship |
Collective Worship |
Collective Worship |
9:20am – 10:20am |
Maths (including Mastery) |
Maths (including Mastery) |
Maths (including Mastery) |
Physical Education |
Maths (including Mastery) |
10:20am – 10:40am |
Story Time |
Story Time |
Story Time |
Story Time |
Story Time |
10:40am – 10:55am |
Break Time |
Break Time |
Break Time |
Break Time |
Break Time |
10:55am – 12:00 |
(including Phonics) |
(including handwriting) |
(including Phonics) |
(including handwriting) |
(including Phonics/Spelling) |
12:00 – 1:00pm |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1:00pm – 1:30pm |
Guided Reading |
Guided Reading |
Guided Reading |
Guided Reading |
Guided Reading |
1:30pm – 2:20pm |
Wider curriculum session 1 |
Wider curriculum session 1 |
Wider curriculum session 1 |
Wider curriculum session 1 |
Wider curriculum session 1 |
2:20pm – 3:10pm |
Wider curriculum session 2 |
Wider curriculum session 2 |
Wider curriculum session 2 |
Wider curriculum session 2 |
Wider curriculum session 2 |
3:10pm – 3:15pm |
Home |
Home |
Home |
Home |
Home |
Snack between wider curriculum session 1 and wider curriculum session 2
PE days are Monday (PM) and Thursday (AM). Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit ready for PE on those days.
Family Week
As part of our People Skills curriculum, we teach children in each year group a comprehensive and inclusive Relationship, Sex and Health Education Programme, which complements our Christian values. The focus of this learning will take place during Family Week (TBC), where children in Year 2 will be taught the following, in line with statutory guidance:
Spring Term learning:
This term will cover Shape
Multiplication and Division
(After completing this unit, we will start a weekly timetables challenge! Yay!)
Length and height
Mass, Capacity and Temperature
Text Types: Setting Description (Outcome: Seaside Description), Narratives (Outcome: Version of Lost Story), Persuasive Leaflet (Outcome: Seaside Resort Persuasive Leaflet), Recount / Post Card (Outcome: Recount of Residential / Trip), Poetry - Haikus (Outcome: Japanese Haiku Poem).
Religious Education
'Leaders' in the bible (Spring 1) - Judaism and Christianity - Children will learn about the qualities of a good leader, including examples of when the leaders showed qualities of how to be a good leader in stories from the bible and Torah. The children will explore the Ten Commandments. The children will be exploring stories about Moses, St Peter and Jesus to identify what type of leader they were.
Salvation (Spring 2) - Digging deeper into the Easter Story and the children will look into Holy week and the events of that week and why they happen.
In the Movers and Shakers project, your child will learn five statements from Dawson's model that will help them identify people who are historically significant and use the words year, decade and century to describe dates and times. They will study the life and impact of a significant person in the locality and of 10 significant individuals from around the world. They will complete in-depth studies of significant explorers Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, and significant activists Emmeline Pankhurst and Rosa Parks and think carefully about the impact of their actions. The children will also carry out an independent study of a significant person from the past and learn about people who are significant today. They will also learn how significant people are commemorated and design a memorial for a person they have studied.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
In the Coastline project, your child will use maps to learn about the location of the world’s seas and oceans and keys to learn about map symbols. They will also find out about the directions on a compass. They will learn about the human and physical features of a coastline, including the effects of erosion and how to stay safe when visiting the coast. They will research the tourism industry and consider what features make a place a successful tourist destination.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
In the Uses of Materials project, your children will learn the names and uses of everyday materials. They will find that materials can be shaped in different ways to make them more useful. They will test how different materials can be shaped and whether they will return to their original shape. They will learn that the properties of materials mean they can be used in different ways and that objects are made from materials that have suitable properties for their purpose. They will find that objects can be made from one material or more than one material and that the same object can be made from different materials with similar properties. Your child will label objects with their materials and think about their properties and uses. They will learn about paper and test the properties of different paper types. They will also find out about recycling and sustainability.
In the Plant Survival project, your child will learn the names of the different parts of a plant and how they grow. They observe how the seasonal changes affect how plants grow. They will learn how new plants can grow from seeds and bulbs and what they need to germinate. They will use their observational skills to find out where plants like to grow and investigate what plants need to grow and stay healthy. Your child will then use their research skills to find out about some unusual plants.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
Flower Head - This project teaches children about the visual elements of flowers, including shape, texture, colour, pattern and form. They also explore various artistic methods, including drawing, printmaking and 3-D forms, using paper and clay.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
Beach Hut - This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
Spreadsheets (Spring 1)
Presenting Ideas (Spring 2)
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
Physical Education
Gymnastics and Zumba+Aerobics (Spring 1)
Invasion Games and Outdoor and Adventure (Spring 2)
People skills
Citizenship + Online Safety Week (Spring 1)
- Recognise that different rules apply in different situations.
- Explain what makes a good school environment.
- Recognise that everyone in school has a responsibility to maintain the school environment.
- Identify some jobs that people do to keep the local area pleasant.
- Recognise some local job roles that help the community.
- Recognise similarities and differences between people in the local community.
- Explain that differences should be respected.
- Explain how the school council works.
- Share their opinions on things that matter.
Economic Wellbeing + Residential (Spring 2)
- Explain some ways adults get money.
- Discuss the role of bank account cards.
- Recognise wants and needs.
- Recognise the difference between a want and a need.
- Identify their skills and talents.
- Identify ways to develop their skills and talents.
- Explain why treating people equally and inclusively is important.
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.
Songs from Charanga
Spring 1: 'I wanna play in a band' Spring 2: 'Zootime'
Please see knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page.