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Our Governors are all volunteers and we are probably part of one of the largest volunteer forces in the country. We strive to promote school improvement and support Miss Ireland and the staff of the school in their work.

Ever wondered what the ‘Governing Body’ is all about?

It is a legal requirement for all schools to have a Governing Body and it is made up of representatives from Parents, Staff, the Local Authority and Community. A Clerk to the Governors is appointed in order to take minutes of meetings and deal with other areas of administration. A Governor is normally appointed or elected for a 4-year term of office. We meet every term and have committees for Strategic Development,  Pupils and Personal Finance and General Purposes. 

We are experienced, knowledgeable and supportive of St John the Baptist Primary.  We visit the classrooms to increase our understanding of how children learn and each one of us is linked to a curriculum area.

The Governing Body is accountable to the Local Authority for the way our school is run. We are responsible for setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability, and monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance to ensure it always delivers a good quality education for your children.

The Governors are not expected to get involved in the day to day running of the school; Miss Ireland, our

Head Teacher, is responsible for the internal organisation and management.

It is however, our responsibility to review the aims of the school and ensure that they are upheld. We therefore work closely with Miss Ireland and the staff at St John the Baptist Primary to develop the strategies necessary to achieve the required raising of standards for the school and monitor progress. We also form and review clear policies, which set out how the school should be run.

The Importance of being a Foundation Governor

Our Governors


  • Dr Max Bardwell (Vice Chair) (2023/24 no business interest declared) FGB attendance 100%
  • Mrs Karrin White (2023/24 business interest declared) FGB attendance 50%


  • Miss Rachel Ireland (2023/24 no business interest declared) FGB attendance 100%
  • Mr Natale Mazzotti (2023/24 no business interest declared) FGB attendance 100%


  • Mrs Jan Jackson (Chair and Safeguarding Governor) (2023/24 no business interest declared) FGB attendance 67%
  • Mr Steven Galloway (2023/24 no business interest declared) FGB attendance 100%
  • Mrs Hannah Miranda (2023/24 business interest declared) FGB attendance 100%


  • Mrs Victoria Mullen (2023/24 no business interest declared)

Local Authority

  • Mr Meredith Lawrence (2023/24 business interest declared) FGB attendance 67%

Previous Governors (in the last 12 months)

  • Mrs Charlette Perrin 13/10/21 to 27/06/23 Diocese appointed